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Korea, reform of public education, AI digital education Expansion

Responsible Education Grade 3rd grade elementary and 1st grade middle school designated management, math, English AI digital textbook transition in 2025.

Third graders in elementary school and first graders in middle school will be designated as "responsible education grades." These students will be designated as customized learning targets and will be intensively supported by public education. It will also promote "autonomous public high school 2.0" to correct and supplement the problems of the high school credit system, and implement full "autonomous public high school 2.0" from 2025.

This is included in the "plan to enhance the competitiveness of public education" released by the Ministry of Education on the 21st. Third graders in elementary school and first graders in middle school, designated as "responsible education grades, " will strengthen their academic background diagnosis. By intensively supporting customized learning based on the diagnosis results, students' basic education is managed and guaranteed.


Third graders in elementary school are at the stage where subject learning begins based on reading, writing, and counting. The first grade of middle school is at the stage where secondary education begins on the basis of elementary education, and it is a time when intensive support for learning and growth is needed based on accurate diagnosis as the gap in students' academic background is likely to widen.

Therefore, the three core education of ▲ language ▲ numeracy ▲ digital literacy will be concentrated. Academic background diagnosis is conducted during this period. All students in the third grade of elementary school and the first grade of middle school will participate in the customized academic achievement evaluation to diagnose the level of achievement at the beginning of the semester.

The superintendent of the Metropolitan Office of Education will decide whether to participate in all students and will be reflected in the evaluation of the Metropolitan Office of Education and the assignment of teachers in charge of learning support. In the first grade of middle school, career and aptitude diagnosis will be conducted together in consideration of the purpose of the free semester system.

Based on the results of the academic diagnosis, students are provided with customized learning support. Based on the results of the diagnosis of academic achievement level, regular classes and after-school guidance, AI customized learning, and learning management tutoring are linked.

As a representative example, ▲ Gyeonggi-do AI Customized Class Focus School selects AI courseware for each subject in unit schools and supports customized learning using analysis data (learning level, deficiency, learning characteristics, etc.). In the case of the ▲ Seoul "Long Leg Saem" program, homeroom teachers and subject teachers have become mentors for students in need of weak learning support, forming groups with 1-3 students per teacher, and providing customized support such as individual learning, emotions, and career paths. Customized learning support management targets will be expanded. As part of measures to support the resolution of educational deficits, the government has decided to gradually expand the number of students who currently lack basic education (five percent of the total) to middle and lower-level students (30 percent of the total) by 2025.

For the education of students subject to intensive support, the subsidy for resolving educational deficits of 4.5 billion won in 2023 will be increased to 4.7 billion won in 2024 and 4.90 billion won in 2025. Strengthening basic literacy education and free semester will also be prepared. Language, mathematics, and digital literacy shall be strengthened by utilizing the increase or decrease in the number of curriculum hours (within 20%). In 2024, the (tentative name) Learning Leap Seasonal Semester will be promoted during the summer and winter vacations. For information on how to operate the program, refer to the "Filling Semester System" underway in Seoul. The free semester system shall strengthen career exploration and personality education tailored to each student with the aim of diagnosing career aptitude and career experience.

Curriculum and creative experience activities using student-active personality education programs will be expanded. It also decided to expand the operation of digital free semester research schools to provide individualized learning such as classes using AI courseware. Social and emotional support is also provided. It was decided to support the use of schools by developing and distributing programs (psychological stability, restorative life education, etc.) that enhance students' resilience. It plans to introduce Neulbom School and desired schools (2023, 200 schools) to support student psychological stability, and to support budgets, educational materials, and expert links to operate at the education office level (2024, 8 offices of education).

A plan to enact the (tentative name) Student Social Emotional Support Act (2024) will also be promoted in a legal and institutional way. Personality education is also being prepared. It is to strengthen ethics education necessary for the digital era and personality education to form a habit of understanding and respecting the other's position. This is because personality education was selected as the No. 1 education to be emphasized in the future (National Education Association's Public Participation Survey, May 2021). This year's project will include the development and dissemination of student-active personality education programs and the development of personality test tools using AI that reflect social changes such as the prevention of digital environment and school violence. Specifically, ▲ next-generation inspection paper development by December 2023 ▲ artificial intelligence AI system development in the first half of 2024 ▲ pilot application in the second half of 2024 ▲ full use expansion in 2025.

Mathematics, English artificial intelligence AI digital textbook introduced in 2025

Artificial intelligence, AI, and digital textbooks will be introduced and implemented with the goal of 2025. Mathematics, English, information, and special Korean will be introduced first in 2025 for the introduction of AI digital textbooks. Since then, it has been decided to expand gradually by 2028 with the aim of introducing all subjects such as Korean, social studies, and science. However, considering the development stage and subject characteristics, first and second graders of elementary school, high school electives, arts and physical education (music, art, physical education), and moral subjects are excluded.

The scope of development is to enable customized learning support, such as supplementary learning for slow learners and in-depth learning for fast learners, depending on the results of learning analysis. Learning contents for each topic such as basic concepts, supplementary learning to resolve learning defects, discussion project learning, and in-depth learning will be developed and supplied. Accordingly, a plan to expand "digital leading schools" and "digital assistant teachers" will be promoted. Prior to the introduction of AI digital textbooks, various edu-tech should be actively used in regular classes, Neulbom schools, and after-school courses.

It plans to apply the 'digital leading school' from 300 schools in 2023 to 1,000 schools in 2024. To support students who have difficulty in digital learning, we will recruit 'digital assistant teachers'. The number of supplementary personnel will gradually increase by 340 in 2023, 680 in 2024, and 1,800 in 2027. The operation of digital assistant teachers will support digital algorithm education such as computing practice education, coding, and improvement of basic learning using college students and prospective teachers. The homeroom teacher (exclusive) and the digital assistant teacher will conduct cooperative classes, and the digital assistant teacher will guide customized digital learning according to the characteristics of individual students.

The government plans to focus not only on student-tailored education but also on training to strengthen class evaluation capabilities for all teachers through digital-based school classroom classes.

Meanwhile, all-round improvement work on the class evaluation method and school operation will also be carried out at the same time. Autonomous private high schools, foreign language high schools, and international high schools, which are scheduled to be converted to general high schools from 2025, will be retained. It allows students and parents to implement various education they want within the fence of public education. In addition, it was decided to implement 'autonomous public high school 2.0' according to regional conditions.